Customer Review
Dear Deb and Bruce,
John and I want to thank you for a wonderful experience riding with you early this week. You so proudly showed us “your patch” even though you trail ride as part of your living you made us feel part of your family.
The kitchen Deb……amazing and we were so impressed with how it all works. Great food out of camp ovens etc. Water on the boil all the time in some form without loosing the authenticity of the mountain story you as a family have created.
The horses. What noble creatures. My mother always said “the outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man”.! I agree and to be on board a shore footed nice horse in a magic setting was terrific. We can’t thank you enough for a truly wonderful experience.
We feel blessed, as luck would have it to join the Tasmanian party. What a fun lot.
We hope to return one day and now busy passing on recommendations to friends who might be interested!
Thank you again. 20 mls in the gage here at lunch time. Hope you get a bit
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